Added on: 09/03/2021 Publish Date: 2021 1.7K Dwyieithog

Communication (Principles and Contexts Level 3)


This is a resource to encourage and support effective communication in Health and Social Care.  The resource is suitable for students studying level 3 concepts such as Principles and Contexts (Level 3).

Because it is a common subject, this information can be useful to any student studying a health based subject, e.g. Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy or working in social care in the community.

This resource was adapted by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Thank you to Llandrillo Menai Group for sharing the original material.

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Post-16 and Vocational
Collection belongs to
Childcare, Health and Social Care
All Rights Reserved
Coleg Cymraeg Resource Collection
man lun cyfathrebu

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