Added on: 22/10/2021 Publish Date: 2021 1.5K Cymraeg Yn Unig

Dr Elen Ifan, ‘Gwerddon: Astudiaethau cerddo-lenyddol yng Nghymru: y diffyg a’r galw' (2021)


This article provides a critical overview of word and music studies, or musico-literary studies, in Wales. This field of study investigates the relationship between literature and music in its various forms. The scope of this article encompasses critical works published in the second half of the twentieth century in Welsh and aims to discuss the main ideas and works of significance or influence, whilst recognising that it is not possible to refer to each individual publication in a single overview. The field of study in Wales is placed in a critical context with an overview of the main points of interest in the wider discipline, and the article also identifies areas for further research in the field in Welsh.

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Higher Education
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Welsh, Music
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Coleg Cymraeg Resource 'Gwerddon' article
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