Added on: 23/06/2023 Publish Date: 2023 855 Cymraeg Yn Unig

Celf a Dylunio ar y Map - 2023 (Art and Design on the MAP)


The aim of the 'Celf a Dylunio ar y Map’ is to offer a unique opportunity for Welsh-medium Art and Design students to come together in one place to share and discuss their work and to benefit from the experience of artists and others who work in the industry.  The theme of the festival was 'Reinterpreting Tradition'.  The below video gives a flavour of the festival. 

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Higher Education, Post-16 and Vocational
Collection belongs to
Art and Design
All Rights Reserved
Coleg Cymraeg Resource Conference/Workshop
mân lun gwyl clef ar y map

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