Added on: 30/06/2023 Publish Date: 2023 3.1K Dwyieithog

More than just words: Communication in Health and Social Care


The aim of this resource is to introduce language awareness within health and social care to higher education students and professional practitioners.

Its main objective is to build students' confidence in using their Welsh with patients and colleagues in the NHS.

This resource has been developed for higher education students (level 4+) who are studying any health and care subject and intend to go on to pursue a career in the field. It is also suitable for professional practitioners and can be used as part of continual professional development.

Except for Unit 1, each unit follows a specific patient pathway to show how different professions intertwine and have an impact on the experience of the patient or service user. You can work through the whole package in order or pick and choose specific units. The units can be taught in the classroom or studied independently.

Most of the units present Welsh words, phrases and terminology to use with patients and staff. Although this vocabulary will be familiar to students who already speak Welsh, they are encouraged to consider how to share and teach the vocabulary to their peers. As a result, this content is suitable for all students, regardless of their Welsh ability.

Documents and links:

Collection Level
Higher Education, Adult Learning
Collection belongs to
Health and Social Care
CC BY-SA 4.0
Coleg Cymraeg Resource Course/unit
mân lun mwy na geiriau

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