This collection is a series of posters containing key bilingual vocabulary to support the Health and Social Care: Core Level 2 course. The vocabulary is grouped to match the level of the learner's language skills. There is an individual vocabulary poster for the 7 units: Unit 1: Principles and values of health and social care (adults)) Unit 2: Principles and values of health and social care (children and young people) Unit 3: Health and well-being (adults) Unit 4: Health and well-being (children and young people) Unit 5: Professional practice as a health and social care worker Unit 6: Safeguarding individuals Unit 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Health and Social Care bilingual vocabulary posters
Childcare and the Early Years - bilingual vocabulary posters
Here is a set of posters that include key bilingual vocabulary to support the delivery of the Level 2 Children's Care, Play, Learning and Development: Core course. There is a posters for each of the individual units: Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Health, Well-Being, Learning and Development Professional Practice as an Early Years and Childcare Worker Safeguarding Children Health and Safety in Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development
E-lyfr Cyflwyniad i Farchnata (Introduction to Marketing E-book)
Cyflwyniad i Farchnata is the first ever Welsh medium marketing texbook. It is designed to help students studying Business, Management, Communications and Marketing at college or university, as well as for practical use by communications and marketing practitioners in business, voluntary and public sector organizations. It contains many interactive and multitouch elements that can be used on computers, tablets and smartphones.
Farm Animal Health
This resource was developed to introduce different topics relating to farm animal health. The resource contains a collection of videos, interactive activities and presentations in Pdf/Word format. There are also teacher notes to accompany the different subjects. Over 20 different topics are presented including: The causes of ill health in farm animals Farm health planning and biosecurity Lameness in cattle and sheep Injecting Pneumonia in cattle and sheep Dosing Castration
Guest Lecture: Dafydd Llywelyn, Dyfed-Powys Police and Crime Commissioner
In this guest lecture, Dafydd Llywelyn discusses the Police and crime plan for Dyfed-Powys, BAME recruitment and the influence of black lives matter. It is suitable for school learners and students who are studying Policing / Criminology / Public Services as subject areas.
Technical terminology for teaching through the medium of Welsh
Presenters: Professor Delyth Prys and Dr Tegau Andrews The aim of this workshop is to : Give an introduction to terminology standardization work, internationally and nationally, linking the theoretical and practical aspects, in order to explain the standardization process and its relevance to the work of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Give staff and students at the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a better understanding of the dictionary and terminology resources which are available, to help them write and communicate better using good, academic Welsh. Reveal how Welsh terms are coined and standardized, discussing the international standards which drive the process and introducing specific examples, so that interested parties can understand how these terms become part of our language. Provide initial guidance to authors, translators and project managers who have been funded by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to develop Welsh-language resources for students, explaining how terms are relevant to them and where terminology work fits within the timescale of creating resources. Content: A general overview of the dictionary and terminology resources available to staff and students of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Practical support on how to use general dictionaries and on-line electronic terminology dictionaries. An explanation of how terms are standardized in Welsh, and the relevance of international standards to this process. An outline of the stages involved in developing resources for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, focusing on the role of terminology in these stages. At the end of the workshop, attendees should be able to: Have a better understanding of the importance of using standardized terminology in academic writing. Be able to use dictionary and terminology resources more effectively in their work and improve the standard of their academic Welsh. Know where to turn if they need further assistance with Welsh technical terms. Have a better understanding of the way in which terms are standardized for the Welsh language. Be able to plan new resources for students taking into account any essential terminology. Biographies: Professor Delyth Prys has been Senior Editor within the Centre for the Standardization of Welsh Terminology (now part of the Language Technologies Unit at Canolfan Bedwyr) since 1993, and has been the Head of the Language Technologies Unit since 2001. She leads a mixed team of linguists and software experts who develop innovative digital language tools for the Welsh language. Dr Tegau Andrews has been a Terminologist for the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol since 2009. During this time, she has developed Geiriadur Termau’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Terminological Dictionary) which has become one of the main terminological dictionaries for the Welsh language and includes definitions, diagrams and explanatory illustrations.
Online Psychology Conference
A conference held on 28 April 2021 for undergraduate and postgraduate Psychology students and those studying related subjects such as health and education. 17-18 year old learners were invited to join. The morning presentations followed the themes of: Health & Wellbeing Language, Development and Education. A Careers Panel was held in the afternoon with people representing the following careers: Educational Psychologist Clinical Psychologist Applied Behaviour Analysis Psychologist Speech & Language Therapist Higher Education lecturer There was also an opportunity to ask questions. The conference was held online, through the medium of Welsh
Gŵyl MAP a'r Gynhadledd Theatr (21/4/2021)
This year 'Gŵyl MAP a'r Gynhadledd Theatr' was held ON-LINE! It was an exiting opportunity to perform and discuss work amongst fellow theatre and performance students. Participants were able to listen to actors, playwrights and theatre directors discuss the past year, and to take a look at the future of theatre. It was held on Wednesday 21/04/2021 Below, you can watch the Panel Discussion that was held during the event.
Health Workshops 2021 (May 2021)
A series of four virtual workshops for year 12, or first year students in further education colleges, who are interested in Nursing, Midwifery, Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy. This is an opportunity to learn more about these professions, and the health service in general, as well as receiving advice on how to apply successfully. The workshops will be held weekly between 4.30-6.00 pm: 5 May 2021 - Brynglas family Health Tour (introduction to the health service) 12 May 2021 - Nursing and Midwifery 19 May 2021 - Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Pharmacy 26 May 2021 - How to successfully apply on health courses Please click below to register:
Science Conference 2021 (17/6/21)
The conference aims to showcase leading scientific research by Welsh language scientists and to nurture a Welsh language scientific community. The conference provides a platform to present and discuss various topics within the sciences. The Conference will be conducted in Welsh, and anyone with an interest in science is welcome to register, be they students, academics, members of the public or learners in schools and further education colleges.
Careers Wales: Health sector careers workbook and webinar
A resource for Key Stage 3 learners to find out more about a career in the health sector. Learners will be able to watch a webinar and complete a workbook.
Careers Wales: Social care (early years) webinar and workbook
A resource for Key Stage 3 learners to find out more about a career in the social care (early years) sector. Learners will be able to watch a webinar and complete a workbook.