A new video resource that gives a contemporary look at Dafydd ap Gwilym’s famous cywydd, as studied in A Level Welsh Unit 5 (Medieval Prose and Early and Medieval Poetry). The video focus on 4 parts of the text to tell the story, detailing the content in today’s language and focusing on the poet’s style and craft. Script prepared by Dr Eurig Salisbury, lecturer at the Department of Welsh at Aberystwyth University. Welsh subtitles can be selected on video in YouTube. Funded by Welsh Government.
Trafferth mewn Tafarn 2024
Llyfr Glas Nebo in 3 minutes
A new video resource that presents and summarizes the main content, themes, and characters of Llyfr Glas Nebo by Manon Steffan Ros, for the GCSE WJEC Welsh Literature Unit 2 course. The video aims to present the novel in a simple and memorable way, encouraging learners to study further. Welsh subtitles can be selected on video in YouTube. Funded by Welsh Government.
Discussion Panel: Hedd Wyn
This is a valuable opportunity to hear a panel of experts and familiar faces discuss the award-winning film, Hedd Wyn, scripted by Alan Llwyd and directed by Paul Turner. During the session, there will be a discussion on various aspects of the film including the historical and industrial context, themes, the characters and the use of symbolism in the film. The importance of the film in Wales and internationally will also be discussed. The panel includes Dr Manon Wyn Williams and Professor Gerwyn Wiliams, Bangor University, actor Huw Garmon and Noami Jones, Head of Cultural Heritage at yr Ysgwrn. Specifically suitable for year 12 pupils who are studying the film for the AS Welsh (Unit 1) oral exam, but of wider interest as well. A session recorded in Pontio, Bangor, during March 2023, in collaboration between Bangor University's Department of Welsh and Pontio. Sponsored by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Session in Welsh. Looking for more resources on Hedd Wyn? Watch our Ar-lên study session available here.
The Poetry of the Nobility Series
This is a Welsh-language resource presenting standard editions of the poetry composed by Welsh poets between 1282 and the middle of the sixteenth century. This collection is aimed at anyone who wants to learn more about Medieval Welsh poetry – University students and researchers, and also anyone who wants to learn more about the history of our bardic tradition, or about the history of some particular area long ago. If you want to learn more about one poet in particular, one could start by reading the Preamble to his work, before turning to the poems themselves. There is plenty of help in paraphrases and notes to help with the interpretation.
Short Story Resources: Pwy Fyth a Fyddai'n Fetel?
Resources to help study the short story 'Pwy Fyth a Fyddai'n Fetel?' by Mihangel Morgan (from the book Saith Pechod Marwol), which is one of the short stories on the Welsh Second Language AS/A Level specification (U2 Unit 6: The Use of Language and the Short Story). Resources include: Video animation of the short story (with and without subtitles) Video lecture and PowerPoint presentation by Professor Tudur Hallam discussing the story 'Pwy Fyth a Fyddai'n Fetel?' Video lecture and PowerPoint presentation by Professor Tudur Hallam talking about useful vocabulary and phrases to use when discussing the short story. Resources created by the Department of Welsh, Swansea University, with funding from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Discussion Panel: Dod â Siwan yn Fyw
An opportunity to hear a panel of experts and familiar faces in the world of Welsh drama discussing the play Siwan by Saunders Lewis. The panel includes Dr Manon Wyn Williams, Bangor University, Dr Llio Mai, and actors Ffion Dafis and Dyfan Roberts. Specifically suitable for year 12 pupils who are studying Siwan for the AS Welsh (Unit 1) oral exam, but of wider interest as well. A session recorded in Pontio, Bangor, during March 2023, in collaboration between Bangor University's Department of Welsh and Pontio. Sponsored by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Session in Welsh. Looking for more resources on Siwan? Watch our Ar-lên study session available here.
Ar-lên 2021-22: Revision Webinars for AS/A Level Welsh students (December 2021 - March 2022)
These live revision webinars are organized by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for year 12 and 13 students studying AS / A Level Welsh (First Language). The sessions will be hosted by lecturers from the Welsh departments of Bangor, Aberystwyth, Swansea and Cardiff universities, with the aim of enhancing your understanding of some of the literature topics you are studying in class. The sessions will be held in Welsh through Zoom between 4.30-5.15pm on Wednesday afternoons, with the first session on Wednesday 1 December 2021. 2021 1 December 2021: Dafydd ap Gwilym, Dr Dylan Foster Evans, Prifysgol Caerdydd (Bl.13) 8 December 2021: Gwerthfawrogi Rhyddiaith, Yr Athro Angharad Price, Prifysgol Bangor (Bl.13 + Bl.12) 2022 2 February 2022: Ymarfer Papur Gramadeg, Dr Alex Lovell, Prifysgol Abertawe (Bl.12) 9 February 2022: Hedd Wyn (Ffilm), Yr Athro Tudur Hallam, Prifysgol Abertawe (Bl.12) 16 February 2022: Branwen, Dr Aled Llion Jones, Prifysgol Bangor (Bl.13) 2 March 2022: Martha, Jac a Sianco (Caryl Lewis), Dr Bleddyn Owen Huws, Prifysgol Aberystwyth (Bl.13) 9 March 2022: Sul y Mamau yn Greenham (Menna Elfyn), Dr Rhiannon Marks, Prifysgol Caerdydd (Bl.12) 16 March 2022: Y Genhedlaeth Goll (Alan Llwyd), Yr Athro Mererid Hopwood, Prifysgol Aberystwyth The link for the event will be emailed to you on the day or the day before. Pupils, students, teachers and student teachers welcome. You'll be able to contribute or ask questions using the chat. Remember to follow the @CymraegCCC Twitter account and Instagram @instagymraeg account for more information and news about Welsh as a Subject. To register, click on the registration form link below:
Jerry Hunter, 'Perthnasedd Poen ac Undonedd: Kate Roberts a Ffuglen y 1930au' (2021)
This article considers the development of Welsh fiction in the 1930s by examining various ideas concerning the nature of realism. Reading the correspondence between Saunders Lewis and Kate Roberts is a means of analysing the ways in which the two authors perceived the essentials of a realist aesthetics. Saunders Lewis’s reaction to the first draft of the novel Traed mewn Cyffion (‘Feet in Chains’) is discussed along with Kate Roberts’s suggestion made while defending the work that ‘pain and monotony’ are relevant in the 1930s and valid literary themes. It is suggested that Kate’s appeal to the work of the Irish novelist Peadar O’Donnell is important in order to understand her aesthetics. The relationship between Traed mewn Cyffion and one of O’Donnell’s novels, Islanders, is then examined.
Ar-lên Recordings (Revision Webinars for AS/A Level Welsh students) March - May 2021
Revision webinars organized by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol for year 12 and 13 students studying AS / A level Welsh. The sessions are hosted by lecturers from the Welsh departments of Bangor, Aberystwyth, Swansea and Cardiff universities, with the aim of enhancing your understanding of some of the literature topics you are studying in class. Recordings through the medium of Welsh. Remember to follow the @CymraegCCC Twitter account and Instagram @instagymraeg account for more information and news about Welsh as a Subject. New Ar-lên session for 2021-22 are taking place between 1 December 2021 and 16 March 2022. Click here to view the schedule and to register.
Beirdd Cymru: Y Stori (2013)
O Drefaldwyn i Fwdapest, mae'r bardd Twm Morys yn olrhain hanes cerdd y mae pob plentyn Hwngaraidd yn medru ei hadrodd ar gof; cerdd sy'n symbolaeth gref o ryddid i drigolion Hwngari - ond cerdd sydd â chysylltiad Cymreig. Twm Morys ei hun sydd wedi trosi'r gerdd i'r Gymraeg ac mae Karl Jenkins wedi gosod y gerdd i gerddoriaeth. Rondo, 2013. Oherwydd rhesymau hawlfraint bydd angen cyfrif Coleg Cymraeg i wylio rhaglenni Archif S4C. Mae modd ymaelodi ar wefan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i gael cyfrif.
Chwilio am Mary Vaughan Jones (2013)
Mary Vaughan Jones oedd un o awduron llenyddiaeth plant mwyaf llwyddiannus yr iaith Gymraeg. Creodd gymeriadau cofiadwy wnaeth symbylu cenhedlaethau o blant i ddysgu a mwynhau darllen. Yr enwocaf ohonynt wrth gwrs oedd Sali Mali. Bu farw Mary Vaughan Jones ym 1983 ac o ganlyniad ni fu iddi weld y llwyddiant rhyngwladol a ddaeth i ran Sali Mali drwy gyfrwng rhaglenni teledu ar S4C. Mae pawb yn adnabod ei chymeriadau, ond pwy oedd Mary Vaughan Jones? Lumedia, 2013. Oherwydd rhesymau hawlfraint bydd angen cyfrif Coleg Cymraeg i wylio rhaglenni Archif S4C. Mae modd ymaelodi ar wefan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i gael cyfrif.
Cofio T. Llew (2009)
Rhaglen deyrnged i'r awdur a'r bardd toreithiog a fu farw'n ddiweddar, gan gynnwys cyfweliad arbennig gyda T. Llew Jones o 2002. Myrddin ap Dafydd gafodd y fraint o'i holi mewn cyfweliad estynedig a oedd yn ymdrin a nifer o agweddau o'i fywyd a'i waith, ac mi fydd hefyd yn un o'r rhai a fydd yn dadansoddi cyfraniad T. Llew Jones i lenyddiaeth Gymraeg yr ugeinfed ganrif. Byddwn hefyd yn dysgu mwy am yr addasiadau ffilm a theledu o'i waith a'i ddylanwad ar blant Cymru heddiw. Cwmni Da, 2009. Oherwydd rhesymau hawlfraint bydd angen cyfrif Coleg Cymraeg i wylio rhaglenni Archif S4C. Mae modd ymaelodi ar wefan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i gael cyfrif.