Dyma adroddiad sy'n deillio o waith Prifysgol Abertawe ar brosiect Swan-Linx, prosiect iechyd a ffitrwydd sydd â'r nod o ymchwilio i iechyd a lles plant ysgol ym mlynyddoedd 5 a 6 (9-11 oed). Mae'r adroddiad yn seiliedig ar ddata a gasglwyd drwy gyfrwng: Arolwg iechyd ar y we o'r enw CHAT (Child Health and Activity Tool) sy'n gofyn cwestiynau am ymddygiadau iechyd gwahanol gan gynnwys diet, gweithgaredd corfforol, cwsg a lles. Diwrnod Hwyl Ffitrwydd, lle cafodd BMI (Mynegai Màs y Corff), ffitrwydd aerobig, cyflymder, cryfder, ystwythder, p?er, a hyblygrwydd yn cael eu mesur. Ariannwyd y gwaith cyfrwng Cymraeg gyda chymorth grant bach gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Adroddiad Swan-Linx Cymru ar iechyd a lles plant ysgol
Academi Cynhadledd Achos
Mae'r clipiau yma yn olrhain hanes cynhadledd achos er mwyn gwarchod plant. Mae’r clipiau yn cynnig enghraifft i fyfyrwyr o’r modd y cynhelir Cynhadledd Achos. Yn yr achos hwn, trafodir dau blentyn ifanc o’r enw Siân a Dylan. Mae Siân yn bump oed, a Dylan yn fabi deunaw mis oed. Pwrpas cynnal y Gynhadledd Achos yw i benderfynu a ddylai’r plant barhau ar y gofrestr amddiffyn plant ai peidio. Mae'r fideo wedi ei rannu mewn i 8 rhan. Dychmygol yw’r cymeriadau yn yr adnodd hwn, ond mae’r math yma o sefyllfa yn gyffredin iawn o fewn cyd-destun y Gynhadledd Achos.
Language Awareness in Health and Social Care
These bilingual language awareness resources have been developed for Health and Social Care FE learners. They aim to increase the understanding of learners with different Welsh language skills of the significance of the Welsh language in health and social care services. In particular, they support the teaching of Unit 1 of the new Health and Social Care Level 2: Core qualification: learning outcomes 7 and 8. Learning outcome 7 requires learners to understand the importance of effective communication in health and social care. Learning outcome 8 requires learners to understand the importance of Welsh language and culture for individuals and carers. These resources are also vailable via FE colleges' learning portals.
Nursing: Welsh medium teaching packages
These resources are learning packs with the aim of developing students' knowledge, based on realistic situations. The packs contribute to specific modules at the University of South Wales School of Nursing, but can also be used by students from other universities studying any branch of Nursing through the medium of Welsh. They could also be useful to others interested in the field.
Caring In Welsh App
This app was created for Swansea University and the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to help students gain confidence in using Welsh in the workplace or while studying. The glossary is divided into 21 sections including Osteopathy, Midwifery and Clinical Technology. Users can choose to hide or display the English text on the pages as their Welsh improves. The app was designed, developed and recorded by Galactig. The app is voiced by presenter Nia Parry.