Mae'r adnoddau hyn yn deillio o gynhadledd undydd a gynhaliwyd ym mis Medi 2014 ar y pwnc 'Crefydd yn y Byd Cyfoes', dan nawdd y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Y nod oedd rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr israddedig a disgyblion chweched dosbarth ddod ynghyd i drafod materion crefyddol sydd o bwys cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Ceir yma rai o'r cyflwyniadau a gafwyd ar y testunau canlynol: Seciwlariaeth Ffwndamentaliaeth Dyfodiad yr Apocalyps Freud
Cynhadledd Crefydd a'r Byd Modern
The Natural Law Ethics of John Duns Scotus: does it have ‘Welsh’ connections?
It is argued that John Duns Scotus’s treatment of concrete moral topics such as slavery, inheritance and marriage exhibits characteristics of medieval Welsh laws. This is explicable by the latter’s closeness to the ancient Brythonic laws of Scotland. Their commonalities explain John Duns Scotus’s attitude to these topics and the use he makes of natural law theory alongside the Book of Genesis to defend his viewpoints. The inference is made that his aim was to develop a critical account of the natural law which could defend the ideal of the ancient Brythonic laws of Scotland against Anglo-Norman hostility.
Esboniadur Ffilm a Theledu Cymru ('Film and Television in Wales Explained')
Details about films and television programmes in Welsh and English, and biographical details and video clips of leading figures in the field: Aderyn Papur, Yr Alcoholig Llon, Stephen Bayly, Branwen, Byw Yn Dy Groen, Caerdydd, Cameleon, Ceri Sherlock, Con Passionate, Dafydd, Dal:Yma/Nawr, Dinas, Diwrnod Hollol Mindblowing Heddiw, Peter Edwards, Eldra, Elenya, Endaf Emlyn, Aron Evans, Marc Evans, Y Fargen, Fondue, Rhyw a Deinosors, Karl Francis, Gadael Lenin, Gelert, Gogs, Grand Slam, Gwenoliaid, William Haggar, Hedd Wyn, John Hefin, House of America, How Green Was My Valley, Rhys Ifans, Jabas, Sue Jeffries, Naomi Jones, Paul Jones, Joni Jones, Little White Lies, Y Mabinogi, Y Mapiwr, Milwr Bychan, Y Mynydd Grug, Newid Ger, O'r Ddaear Hen, Oed Yr Addewid, Felicity 'Fizzy' Oppe, Pam Fi Duw?, Siân Phillips, Meic Povey, Rhys Powys, The Proud Valley, Joanna Quinn, Rhosyn a Rhith, A Run For Your Money, Sam Tân, Separado!, Sleep Furiously, Solomon a Gaenor, Streetlife, SuperTed, Tair Chwaer, Talcen Caled, Teisennau Mair, Teulu, Traed Mewn Cyffion, Treflan, Paul Turner, Un Nos Ola' Leuad, Under Milk Wood, A Way of Life, Emlyn ...
Anawsterau Dysgu
Datblygwyd y modiwl a’r adnoddau gan Brifysgol Casnewydd a Phrifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd i ymdrin yn uniongyrchol â dulliau addysgu a dysgu ar gyfer disgyblion sydd â dyslecsia, mewn ymgais i gynyddu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth addysgwyr o ddyslecsia.
Y Rhyfel – W. Llewelyn Williams
Ysgrif a gyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol yn 1914, gan W. Llewelyn Williams, aelod seneddol Rhyddfrydol Sir Gaerfyrddin, yn dehongli hanes dechrau'r Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf a thrafod rôl Cymru a Phrydain yn 'ymladd brwydrau gwareiddiad'. Roedd W. Llewelyn Williams yn gwrthwynebu consgripsiwn gorfodol. Mae'n apelio ar y Cymry i ymrestru. Ceir copi PDF o'r ysgrif wreiddiol ar ddiwedd y fersiwn ddigidol newydd. Mae'r e-lyfr hwn yn ffrwyth prosiect DEChE – Digido
Bagloriaeth Cymru
Bwriad y ddau becyn yma yw rhoi cymorth i athrawon i gyflwyno’r elfen Cymru, Ewrop a’r Byd o Fagloriaeth Cymru. Trefnwyd y pecynau o gwmpas themâu gwahanol, a phob un yn edrych ar le Cymru yn Ewrop ac yn y byd mewn modd bywiog a chyffrous.
Efrydiau Athronyddol (Philosophical Studies): a heritage that should be treasured
This article describes the origins and some of the history of the Welsh-language philosophy journal Efrydiau Athronyddol, which was published from 1938 to 2006. The majority of the papers published in the journal were presented at the annual conference of the Welsh-speaking Philosophy section of the Guild of Graduates (Adran Athroniaeth Urdd y Graddedigion), an annual conference which continues today but which was established in the early 1930s. The article describes the nature and content of the first issue, and provides a summary of some of the main themes of articles published. It shows how the character of the journal underwent a significant change in 1949 as a result of a deliberate policy on the part of those most closely involved with the running of the journal and indeed in the Philosophy section of the Guild. The journal subsequently changed from being a purely philosophical one to a more interdisciplinary publication which dealt with a much wider range of topics, many of which had a distinct focus on Welsh intellectual life. The second half of the article focuses on one of the most influential papers ever published in the Efrydiau, namely ‘The idea of a nation’ by Professor J. R. Jones. Published the year before Saunders Lewis’s radio broadcast ‘Tynged yr Iaith’, its main claims are described and subjected to critical analysis. This paper exemplifies what was best about the journal: it is philosophical, but also interdisciplinary – drawing on poetry and history – and makes powerful political claims which led to Jones being described by Professor D. Z. Phillips as the philosophical inspiration for the Welsh Language Society, in addition to an acknowledged influence on the thinking of Saunders Lewis.
Building Student
A resource for construction students (Level 1 and 2) focusing on the presentation and relevance of practical skills, specifically joinery and carpentry, plastering, brickwork and painting and decorating. It bridges the gap between real tasks and classroom activities by means of short video clips of interviews with young workers in the construction industry at work, and short clips of real tasks being carried out on the construction site. The resource was developed by Cwmni Cynnal on behalf of Welsh Government. It is also avalable through the HWB website.
Turning an-‘Other’ Page: Re-interpreting the relationship between south Wales’s Welsh- and English-speaking co...
This article analyses the relationship between Welsh and English speakers in pub scenes in two contemporary novels set in south Wales, namely Y Tiwniwr Piano by Catrin Dafydd (2009) and The Book of Idiots by Christopher Meredith (2012), in light of philosophical theories about the ‘other’ and otherness. The development of the concept of the ‘other’ is traced by considering the work of philosophers and cultural theorists such as Georg Hegel, Simone de Beauvoir, Frantz Fanon and Homi Bhabha. Turning to the work of Charlotte Williams and Simon Brooks, the article argues that both Welsh and English speakers in Wales can experience otherness, and the novels are then analysed to explore how this is reflected in contemporary fictional texts. The article draws conclusions about the significance of otherness to contemporary Welsh imagination and identity and suggests how other philosophical ideas could help us find common ground between Wales’s two main language communities.
Y Meddwl Modern: Darwin – R. Elwyn Hughes
Charles Darwin, ym marn llawer, oedd y biolegydd mwyaf erioed. Ef a fu'n bennaf cyfrifol am gyflwyno i'r byd un o'r syniadau pwysicaf yn holl hanes bioleg – Theori Esblygiad. Disgrifir yn yr e-lyfr hwn sut y daeth i lunio'i ddamcaniaeth enwog am darddiad pethau byw a sut yr ehangodd arni, yng nghwrs ei yrfa, i gofleidio holl weithgareddau dyn ei hun. Trafodir ei le yng ngwyddoniaeth ei gyfnod, a'r ymateb i'w syniadau. Ystyrir hefyd i ba raddau y bu i amgylchiadau personol a chymdeithasol ei gynorthwyo a'i lesteirio yn ei waith.
Saunders Lewis a Williams Pantycelyn – R. Tudur Jones
Darlith Goffa Henry Lewis 1987 a draddodwyd gan R. Tudur Jones. Edrycha'r awdur ar ymdriniaeth Saunders Lewis o weithiau Williams Pantycelyn gan ail-ystyried dadansoddiad Saunders Lewis o ddiwinyddiaeth a datblygiad Pantycelyn. Gellir lawrlwytho'r e-lyfr ar ffurf PDF, ePub neu Mobi (gweler Cyfryngau Cysylltiedig uchod). I ddarllen yr e-lyfr ar sgrin cyfrifiadur a/neu i argraffu rhannau ohono, lawrlwythwch y ffeil PDF. I ddarllen yr e-lyfr ar iBooks, Nook, Kobi a'r rhan fwyaf o ddyfeisiau e-ddarllen eraill, lawrlwythwch y ffeil ePub.I ddarllen yr e-lyfr ar Kindle, lawrlwythwch y ffeil Mobi. Mae'r e-lyfr hwn yn ffrwyth prosiect DEChE – Digido
Pamffledi 'Dysgu Am'
Cyfres o bamffledi ym maes addysg iechyd a meddygaeth yn rhoi cyflwyniad i wahanol agweddau ar y maes a chyngor ar bynciau mwy eang megis cynllunio gyrfa. fnogwyd y prosiect drwy Grant Bach gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a chan Brifysgol Caerdydd (gan gynnwys cymorth dylunio Hannah Simpson a gwaith golygu iaith Dr Iwan Rees, Ysgol y Gymraeg). Mae'r pamffledi yn cynnwys: Dysgu Am: Addysgu mewn Prifysgol yng Nghymru Rhan 1 – Myfyrwyr Lleol Dysgu Am: Cynllunio Gyrfaol Dysgu Am: Iechyd Gwledig Gymreig mewn Addysg Dysgu Am: Mentora Dysgu Am: Moeseg Gofal Iechyd Dysgu Am: Rhoi a Derbyn Gofal yn y Gymraeg Dysgu Am: Y Dystysgrif Sgiliau Iaith