Yn y casgliad hwn ceir adnoddau sy'n cefnogi'r astudiaeth o hanes yr Oesoedd Canol. Mae'r adnoddau'n deillio o brosiect a ariannwyd gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol i greu deunyddiau dysgu cyfrwng Cymraeg safonol yn rhoi cyflwyniadau i bynciau a themâu sylfaenol yn hanes yr Oesoedd Canol.
Medieval History Resources
Lleisiau o'r Lludw: Her yr Holocost i'r Cristion – Gareth Lloyd Jones
Discussion of Christians’ attitudes towards the Jews over the centuries and the possible contribution of the Christian Church to the Holocaust.
Turbulence in the solar wind
The Cluster spacecraft are used in order to investigate the solar wind, and because there are four spacecraft, it allows a measurement of the 3-D structure of the solar wind. Since turbulence is a 3-D phenomenon, Cluster is ideal for investigating turbulence. These observations show that the turbulence at proton gyration scales are dominated by Kinetic Alfvén waves as well as magnetic vortices. This research strengthens the hypothesis that Kinetic Alfvén waves are present in the solar wind and suggests for the first time that waves and magnetic vortices can coexist in the solar wind.
Physical Education teachers’ perceptions of high-quality Physical Education in Welsh-medium schools across sou...
In a report in 2013, the Welsh Government suggested that raising the status of Physical Education (PE) to become a core subject, similar to Welsh and Mathematics, is an essential element in tackling the current obesity epidemic. However, PE lessons must be of a high quality in order to have a positive effect on pupils. PE teachers play a crucial role in delivering high-quality PE lessons; therefore, gaining an understanding of their perceptions about high-quality PE is essential. Interviews were held with ten PE teachers (seven males and three females) from Welsh-medium schools across south Wales. Similarities between the theory and teachers’ perceptions were evident, for example the importance of creating a positive learning environment. However, there were differences between the theory and practice, including lack of clarity about the term physical literacy. One implication of the study is the need to consult with PE teachers to design policies for high-quality PE. In the future, action research should be undertaken to promote the term physical literacy.
Ffrainc a Cymru 1830–1880: Dehongliadau Ffrengig o Genedl Ddiwladwriaeth – Paul O'Leary
Prif amcan yr e-lyfr hwn gan yr Athro Paul O'Leary yw archwilio'r modd y cafodd Cymru ei dehongli gan sylwebyddion a theithwyr Ffrangeg eu hiaith yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg. Gwneir hyn trwy gyflwyno ffynonellau yn yr iaith wreiddiol gyda chyfieithiadau i'r Gymraeg o destunau nad ydynt, hyd yn hyn, wedi'u defnyddio gan haneswyr. Maent yn dangos yr amrywiaeth o drafodaethau am Gymru a gafwyd yn Ffrainc, yn bennaf yn yr hanner canrif rhwng tua 1830 a'r 1870au pan drawsnewidiwyd Cymru gan dwf yn y boblogaeth (yng ngwlad a thref) a diwydiannu prysur. Mae'r ffynonellau yn ymwneud â thair thema oedd yn ganolog i fywyd yr oes: y duedd ymhlith rhai carfannau o bobl i wrthryfela yn erbyn awdurdod mewn cyfnod o newidiadau cymdeithasol ac economaidd sylfaenol; yr ysfa i wybod am wreiddiau ac effeithiau twf diwydiant a masnach; a safle iaith ddiwladwriaeth a'i diwylliant mewn cyfnod pan oedd gwledydd Ewrop yn ymdrechu i greu cymunedau cenedlaethol uniaith ac unffurf.
The role of stem cells in cardiac tissue regeneration: evaluating treatments and identifying risk
This article evaluates the potential of a range of stem cells in cardiac tissue regeneration following a heart attack. Following an initial review of relevant research, some of the main biological mechanisms involved in cardiac tissue regeneration are presented, including: the role of transcription factors, such as oxytocin and c-kit and paracrine transcription factors; studies on zebra fish that display mechanisms such as the regnerative role of cardionogen 1, 2- and 3- in reversing the effect of induced cardiac phenotypes that normally regulate heart development; delivery and engraftment mechanisms, including viral and plasmid vectors, electrical stimulation and nantoechnology. The results of in vitro and in vivo experiments are reported that have shown the clinical potential of stem cells as well as their immunological and tumorgenic risks. At the time of writing (2012), while the clinical evidence is limited, complex therapeutic models are proposed for future development in the field.
The Phenomenology of Addiction: a former professional footballer’s experience
This article examines the story of a former professional footballer in recovery from alcoholism in order to improve our understanding of the nature of addiction and its manifestation in his life in general and his career in particular. Flanagan’s (2011) account of the phenomenology of addiction is used to interpret the feelings and emotions underlying and contributing to the chaos and confusion which characterise the former player’s account of his life.
Ar Gwestiynau Rhyfel a Heddwch – E. T. John
Dyfyniadau o areithiau ac erthyglau gan E. T. John, Aelod Seneddol dwyrain Sir Ddinbych yn ystod y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf, cenedlaetholwr Cymreig a heddychwr. Roedd yn aelod o'r Blaid Ryddfrydol hyd 1918, pan ymunodd â'r Blaid Lafur. Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn 1918.
Cymru a'r Rhyfel Canmlynedd – A. D. Carr
Cyflwyniad i'r Rhyfel Canmlynedd (1337-1453) a'i berthynas â Chymru a geir yn y gyfrol hon . Roedd gan filwyr o Gymru rannau canolog yn y rhyfel hwn rhwng Lloegr a Ffrainc, a hynny ar y ddwy ochr. Ystyrir hefyd effeithiau'r Rhyfel Canmlynedd ar Gymru ei hun.
Laboratory Experiments and Techniques
A series of short film clips featuring Dr Heledd Iago demonstrating the various important steps in laboratory experiments and techniques across the Biological Sciences.
Y Meddwl Modern: Weber – Ellis Roberts
Max Weber is recognised as one of the foremost founders of modern sociology. This volume places him in the tradition of sociology and outlines some of his major contributions: his idea of 'verstehen' or 'sociological imagination', his involvement in the great debate about the relationship between capitalism and the Protestant religion, and his 'ideal types' or definitions of the basics of particular regimes.
Darlith Flynyddol 2015: Y Wladfa 1865–2015 – Dathlu Beth?
Darlith Flynyddol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol 2015: Y Wladfa 1865-2015 - Dathlu Beth? gan Elvey MacDonald. Traddodwyd y ddarlith yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Maldwyn a'r Gororau ar ddydd Mawrth 5 Awst 2015.