A videos series of further education and apprenticeship providers staff sharing good practice in bilingual and Welsh-medium teaching, training, and assessment in the post-16 sector.
Sharing Good Practice Videos
Industry Focus: Construction
This collection contains recorded conversations with prominent construction employers in Wales. The talks include introductions to the construction sector and the various methods used to develop new structures and protect old buildings. This collection aims to support schools and colleges that will teach new GCSEs and Foundation qualifications in construction, which will be available from September 2022. The webinars are about 20 minutes long and have been scripted to cover the criteria as outline in the two new Construction qualifications. Technical knowledge of the field is shared and the construction industry comes to life in the classroom or college with the inclusion of real life projects that are underway or have been recently completed. These webinars were recorded in collaboration with CITB Cymru.
Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy in the New Normal
A series of interactive e-learning resources developed to support tutors wishing to embed the Welsh language and to teach bilingually in an online learning environment. There is a choice of six different units, and each unit should take approximately one hour to complete. Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy in the new normal Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy in Health and Social Care in the new normal Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy in Childcare in the new normal Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy in Public Services in the new normal Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy for Welsh as an Employability Skill in the new normal Bilingual teaching and learning pedagogy in Adult Learning in the new normal.
Say it in Welsh
The following 'Say it in Welsh' resources have been developed by Addysg Oedolion Cymru|Adult Learning Wales tutors. They are a series of vocabulary lists, some are generic and can be used by all tutors and some are subject specific, e.g. Maths, Sewing, Digital Photography. These posters can be used in presentations such as Prezi or PowerPoint, laminated as classroom resources, used during induction, ice-breaker activities, refresher exercises, used in the Welsh word / s of the day and much more! One of the resources, ‘Answering the Phone’ also has an audio function, so you can practise the pronunciation (please note the audio function wil not work when opening the pdf in a browser, it will need to be opened using a pdf reader such as Adobe Reader to access this functionality).
Hwb - Essential Skills (Urdd)
The Hub offers bespoke qualifications and training in the key subjects, Communication, Numeracy and Digital Literacy. Individuals can work towards Entry 2 to Level 3 Essential Skills qualifications, or work to improve skills while undertaking another program of learning. The Hub is open for training providers for them to be able to refer learners who wish to undertake Essential Skills qualifications through the medium of Welsh. WHAT DOES THE LEARNING PROGRAMME INCLUDE? Initial Assessments Individual learning plan Access to virtual workshops 1: 1 Sessions Access to resources, session recordings and e-portfoli Individual tasks that’ll be assessed with feedback Controlled task and confirmatory tests (including practice tasks) Certificates
Introducing the Welsh Language: Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services
This resource is a collection of resources to support educators who wish to introduce more Welsh in the delivery of the Level 3 Uniformed Protective Services course. The collection has been created to support educators in planning and setting classroom work activities or evidence based on learners' Welsh language skills. The collection includes: • a guide that explains how to use the resource. • 'Mapping the Opportunities to introduce the Welsh language' document for each core unit. • bilingual posters of the key terms for each unit.
Introducing the Welsh language: Level 2 Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development: Core
This resource is a collection of resources to support educators who wish to introduce more Welsh in the delivery of the Level 2 Children's Care, Play Learning and Development: Core course. The collection has been created to support educators in planning and setting classroom work activities or evidence based on learners' Welsh language skills. The collection includes: • a guide that explains how to use the resource. • 'Mapping the Opportunities to introduce the Welsh language' document for each core unit. • bilingual posters of the key terms for each unit. • a resource that provides ideas for learners to use the Welsh language on work placements.
Introducing the Welsh language: Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core
This resource is a collection of resources to support educators who wish to introduce more Welsh in the delivery of the Level 2 Health and Social Care: Core course. The collection has been created to support educators in planning and setting classroom work activities or evidence based on learners' Welsh language skills. The collection includes: • a guide that explains how to use the resource. • 'Mapping the Opportunities to introduce the Welsh language' document for each core unit. • a series of tasks that meet the requirements of specific assessment criteria of the course. They demonstrate how it is possible for all learners to complete the same task, whilst developing their Welsh language skills at individual and appropriate levels. • bilingual posters of the key terms for each unit. • a resource that provides ideas for learners to use the Welsh language on work placements.
Welsh Language Construction Terminology
A list of standard bilingual terms for the construction sector. The terms are suitable for students studying on level 1, 2 and 3 courses. There are key terms for the following subjects available below: Bricklaying Carpentry Painting and decorating Plastering The original content was created by Sgiliaith.
Childcare and the Early Years - bilingual vocabulary posters
Here is a set of posters that include key bilingual vocabulary to support the delivery of the Level 2 Children's Care, Play, Learning and Development: Core course. There is a posters for each of the individual units: Principles and Values of Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development (0-19 years of age) Health, Well-Being, Learning and Development Professional Practice as an Early Years and Childcare Worker Safeguarding Children Health and Safety in Children’s Care, Play, Learning and Development
Health and Social Care bilingual vocabulary posters
This collection is a series of posters containing key bilingual vocabulary to support the Health and Social Care: Core Level 2 course. The vocabulary is grouped to match the level of the learner's language skills. There is an individual vocabulary poster for the 7 units: Unit 1: Principles and values of health and social care (adults)) Unit 2: Principles and values of health and social care (children and young people) Unit 3: Health and well-being (adults) Unit 4: Health and well-being (children and young people) Unit 5: Professional practice as a health and social care worker Unit 6: Safeguarding individuals Unit 7: Health and safety in health and social care
Animal Care Resourse
This interactive resource is designed to provide information on the basic skills and knowledge needed to care appropriately for a wide range of animals. The content is divided into a series of units focusing on different groups of animals. The units emphasise the needs of species within a range of categories. As a whole, this short course introduces key aspects of how to care for an animal, and shows how to use the necessary skills and knowledge to maintain the animal's health and welfare.