Nitrogen (N) is the most important element that controls plant growth. During the past twenty years, our understanding of which N species are important for plant growth has developed significantly but it is still thought that large nitrogenous molecules need to be broken down into their constituent amino acids to be available for plant and microbial growth. This paper builds on our understanding of this process and suggests that small peptides are equally important for microbial nutrition and that soil microbes outcompete plants for low molecular weight N compounds in maritime Antarctic soil.
Are small peptides a nutrition source for plant and micro-organisms in the maritime Antarctic?
The translation procedures of the Translation Centre for the bodies of the EU and their relevance to Wales
This article discusses translation procedures and technology used in the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (Centre de Traduction, CDT). The relevance of the workflows and technology will then be briefly discussed in the context of English-Welsh-English translation in Wales, with specific reference to the Welsh Government Translation Service.
Language Skills Certificate - Supporting Resources
These resources were initially developed to support candidates of the Language Skills Certificate. The resource includes information about the Certificate, supporting learning resources, video examples and past papers. The purpose of the resources is to assist candidates in the Language Skills Certificate to prepare for their assessments. However, they are available free of charge, and are suitable for anyone who wants to improve their Welsh language skills. The register is now closed for this academic year.
Dictionary of Welsh Biography Website
This website contains over five thousand concise biographies of individuals who have made a significant contribution to national life, whether in Wales or more widely. An interactive Timeline of individuals in the Dictionary of Welsh Biography is now available. The timeline is powered using linked open data and openly licensed content hosted by Wikimedia.
Yr Argyfwng Gwacter Ystyr – J. R. Jones
J. R. Jones yn ymateb i argyfyngau dynol y ceir sôn amdanynt yn y Beibl. Cyhoeddwyd hefyd fel rhan o gyfrol Ac Onide
Yr Ewyllys i Barhau – J. R. Jones
Araith a draddodwyd gan yr athronydd J. R. Jones yn Eisteddfod y Barri 1968 yn trafod y Cymry Cymraeg fel pobl a'u hawydd i oroesi.
Fideos Gloywi Iaith
Yma cewch gyflwyniadau gloywi iaith gan rai o diwtoriaid y Dystysgrif Sgiliau Iaith. Mae'r fideos yn esbonio rhai materion a all beri anhawster wrth ysgrifennu’n Gymraeg. Mae'r fideos yn ffocysu ar y canlynol: Arddodiaid Berfau Cyffredin Camgymeriadau Treiglo Cyffredin Cymryd Defnyddio Bo Defnyddio Bod Defnyddio'r Arddodiaid Dyfodol Cryno Berfau Afreolaidd Dyfodol Cryno Berfau Rheolaidd Dyfodol Cryno Rheoliadd y gair BOD Rhagenw Dibynnol Blaen Roeddwn i Rydw i Treiglo ar ôl Rhifau Treiglo Gwrthrych y Ferf Treiglo ar ôl Arddodiaid Y Goddefol Y Treiglad Llaes Yr Amhersonol Rheolaidd Yr Amodol
Y Meddwl Modern: Marx – Howard Williams
An illustration of the life of Karl Marx: his ideas, the roots of his philosophy and his influence on the world.
An introduction to Philosophy modules
Brief introductions to elements of philosophy and the provision available through the Coleg, for students and potential students.
A Raid i'r Iaith ein Gwahanu – J. R. Jones
Araith o'r 1960au gan yr athronydd Cymreig J. R. Jones, am yr hollt rhwng y rhai sy'n siarad Cymraeg a'r di-Gymraeg yng Nghymru a sut mae cau'r bwlch heb danseilio'r iaith Gymraeg ei hun. Cyhoeddwyd hefyd fel rhan o gyfrol
The unique ecology of Ophelia bicornis, Savigny (Polychaeta)
The geographical distribution of Ophelia bicornis is restricted to the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the western coast of Europe as far as Brittany and southern parts of Great Britain. Within this wide reach, the worm is restricted to very narrow areas (in the context of the rise and fall of the tide) of sand which are generally unsuitable for sustaining populations of animals and plants. Despite this, Ophelia is shown to succeed and flourish there, depending, to a large extent, on physical and physiological adaptation.
Pêl Droed, Alcoholiaeth a Gwellhad: Oes Gwersi i'w Dysgu?
Darlith gan Dr Carwyn Jones yn amlinellu canlyniadau ymchwil ansoddol i mewn i brofiad cyn bêl-droediwr proffesiynol a oedd yn dioddef o alcoholiaeth. Mae'n olrhain ei hanes o'i blentyndod drwy yrfa fer broffesiynol, ei gwymp i mewn i ddibyniaeth a'i adferiad. Gall myfyrwyr is-raddedig ddefnyddio'r adnodd er mwyn cael: Gwybodaeth ddamcaniaethol am ddibyniaeth Esiampl o ymchwil dadansoddol astudiaeth achos Gwybodaeth am effeithiau dibyniaeth