Banc Brawddegau (Phrasebank) contains example phrases and sentences which can be used when writing a Welsh-medium essay, dissertation or academic paper. It is aimed at students and researchers, particularly those who may be new to Welsh-medium academic writing. Developed by Professor Enlli Thomas and Bethan Wyn Jones, Bangor University, based of Academic Phrasebank (
Sgiliau astudio - Gwaith Ysgrifenedig
Casgliad o glipiau fideo i helpu myfyrwyr i weithio'n effeithiol ac i gyflwyno gwaith ysgrifenedig da.
Termau Addysg Uwch
Mae'r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol yn darparu geiriadur ar-lein i fyfyrwyr a staff i hwyluso'r broses o astudio, addysgu ac ymchwilio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg ar lefel prifysgol. Mae'r geiriadur yn cynnwys termau technegol o ystod eang o feysydd academaidd, gan gynnwys Bioleg, Cemeg, Chwaraeon, y Gyfraith, Daearyddiaeth, Hanes, Busnes, Seicoleg, Rheoli Coetiroedd, y Diwydiannau Creadigol a Mathemateg a Ffiseg. Caiff ei ehangu'n gyson i gynnwys mwy o dermau a mwy o feysydd pwnc, ac fe nodir i ba faes y mae pob term yn perthyn. Ceir diffiniadau gyda'r termau hyn, gan gynnwys weithiau diagramau, hafaliadau a lluniau i egluro'r term yn well. Yn y diffiniadau, ceir dolenni at dermau eraill cysylltiedig.
Short course: developing effective study skills
Dolen i gwrs byr 10 awr ar wefan OpenLearn Cymru gan y Brifysgol Agored.
Short course: preparing assignments
Link to a 10 hour short course on the OpenLearn Cymru website from the Open University.
Short course: Reading and note-taking
Link to a 10 hour short course on the OpenLearn Cymru website from the Open University.
Cyfaill Celfyddyd
An Art Friend offers school and college and university students information on the professional arts scene in Wales and the possibilities of further study after leaving school. In addition, the resource demonstrates professional possibilities by offering an insight into experts across a wide range of areas of work in the creative world of Wales.