Digital resources introducing the core ideas, concepts and principles of Politics.
E-lawlyfrau Syniadau Gwleidyddiaeth ('Political Ideas E-books')
Language Awareness – Social Work MOOC
An interactive resource that aims to create a context in which social work students can empathise with service users and feel and understand why Welsh-medium services are an important consideration. The module is based on 5 units which focus on: understanding language need; going under the skin of the bilingual experience; considering the context of the Welsh language – its current condition, its history and the impact on service users; exploring the relationship between language and power, the implications of the More than just words strategy and active offer, and getting ready to practise and work in accordance with More than just words. Ideally, students should work their way through the materials from unit 1 to 5 as discussion and learning builds incrementally from one to the other. However, the units are also self-contained to a large extent and units, or parts of a unit, may be lifted and used in conjunction with other modules or learning materials.
Academic Writing
This pack will introduce undergraduate Law students to transferable skills and prepare them for written assignments, reinforcing their confidence as they master academic writing. Developed initially in 2018, edited February, 2022.
Llawlyfr Meistroli'r Gymraeg - Tudur Hallam
Cyfres o wersi i’w haddasu a’u defnyddio gan diwtoriaid a myfyrwyr sy'n astudio'r Gymraeg fel pwnc gradd, gan yr Athro Tudur Hallam, Prifysgol Abertawe. Mae'n llawlyfr iaith ymarferol sydd yn rhoi pwyslais ar gyflawni tasgau ac ar ddysgu wrth wneud. Er hwylustod i diwtoriaid a myfyrwyr, gellir lawrlwytho PDF o bob uned drwy glicio ar y dolenni isod: Uned 1: Datganiad Personol Uned 2: Bwletin Newyddion Uned 3: Y Llawlyfr Uned 4: Y Trosiad Uned 5: Perswadio Uned 6: Dadansoddi Gwallau Uned 7: Treigladau a Gramadeg Uned 8: Gwerthuso ac Adolygu Uned 9: Datganiad i'r Wasg Uned 10: Perswadio, Eto Atodiadau Mae'r Llawlyfr yn cynnwys taflenni gwaith rhyngweithiol. Defnyddir blychau melyn ar gyfer y taflenni gwaith. Gellir llenwi rhai ohonynt ar sgrin drwy lalwrlwytho'r Llawlyfr ac agor y PDF gydag Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Prezi Workshop by Dyddgu Hywel
This workshop contains simple step-by-step information and training in the use of the presentation software Prezi. What is Prezi? Prezi is a presentation software that engages students in the classroom. It's an innovative way of presenting different topics by using movement and space to bring your ideas to life, and make you a unique presenter. Content of session What is Prezi? Prezi Taster Prezi Training Benefits of Prezi
Socrative Workshop by Dyddgu Hywel
This workshop contains simple step-by-step information and training to use the Socrative app with your students in class, in a lecture or seminar. What is Socrative? It is a great app that encourages effective engagement and can also be used for assessment and learning. Content of session What is Socrative? Socrative Taster Socrative Training Benefits of Socrative
RAS200 in Wales
RAS200 project resources (communicating science through the medium of art) RAS200 Sky and Earth is an ambitious plan to celebrate the bicentenary of the Royal Astronomical Society. They aim to embed and provide a legacy of astronomy and geophysics in the wider society. RAS200 in Wales aims to raise awareness of astronomy and geophysics through the arts activities of the Urdd and National Eisteddfod. This collection provides resources developed as part of the activity. There are presentations of astronomy and geophysics through culture, which provide an insight into the science through creative works. To learn more about the project, read Professor Eleri Pryse's introduction to RAS200 in Wales.
A study of tutors’ perspectives on learners’ pronunciation difficulties in the Welsh for Adults Sector
This article presents a detailed analysis of the views of experienced Welsh for Adults (WfA) tutors on learners’ pronunciation and the attention paid to teaching pronunciation in the sector. The data were collected by distributing an on-line questionnaire to experienced tutors in different parts of Wales, and by conducting focus groups with a sample of these tutors in two specific locations in Wales. The aims of the research are to establish how tutors perceive learners’ pronunciation difficulties and to what extent they are adequately trained to assist learners in this challenging aspect of language learning. The extent to which various aspects of pronunciation (e.g. producing specific sounds and intonation) affect learners’ ability to communicate effectively outside the classroom is also examined. A series of recommendations is presented at the end of the article which suggest how the WfA sector can improve its provision with regard to pronunciation. These recommendations concern the provision of courses, the training needed by tutors, resources that could be developed, the extracurricular activities that could take place, as well as further research which could inform pedagogy in the sector.
Teachers as learners – perspectives on second language practitioners’ confidence in supporting Welsh Language ...
Welsh Language Development in the Foundation Phase in Wales is an area of some significance and thus this article focuses on the perspectives of practitioners who speak Welsh as a second language and who teach Welsh as a second language in the Foundation Phase. The depth of challenge of teaching a language in which they are not entirely confident is evaluated, considering some of the implications of their perspectives. The confidence of the practitioners is considered in the context of Welsh policy and curriculum, which suggests that this phase and area of education may be rather invisible in terms of the development of Welsh, but that it impacts a significant number of Foundation Phase pupils in Wales. It is suggested that this element of the Foundation Phase requires consideration and attention in the very near future.
Darlith Flynyddol 2018: Cymru, Ymfudo a'r Cymry Tramor Rhwng y Rhyfeloedd Byd
Darlith Flynyddol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol 2018: Cymru, Ymfudo a'r Cymry Tramor Rhwng y Rhyfeloedd Byd, gan Bill Jones, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Welsh language provision for young children: landmarks and challenges in the development of nursery education ...
The development of Welsh medium early years education has been a story of singular success over the last century. With the establishment of the National Assembly in 2000, Wales further forged its own vision for its young children. One of its first priorities, for example, was the Foundation Phase with its radical approach. This paper offers an overview of the historic development of nursery education in Wales, before and post devolution. Welsh language and Wales policies are set in the context of wider influences, both research and pedagogic, on early childhood care and education, for example the evidence on good practice from the EPPE (The Effective Provision of Pre-School Education Project) study. Focus will be on Welsh language provision, highlighting the role and contribution of Mudiad Meithrin. The paper will consider issues, research and theoretic, relating to early bilingualism. It concludes with a critical analysis of the challenges facing the field of early childhood services in Welsh in light of current political and policy developments. For the purposes of this paper, addysg feithrin (nursery education) is defined as the care and education provision for children 3–5+ years, and the term blynyddoedd cynnar (early years) is used for the same group.
Cefnogi Pob Plentyn (gol. Nanna Ryder)
Nod y gyfrol hon yw cyflwyno rhai pynciau perthnasol mewn cyd-destun Cymraeg a Chymreig i fyfyrwyr sydd yn astudio Graddau Sylfaen yn y maes addysg a gofal. Nid canllaw arfer dda a geir yma ond yn hytrach fraslun o bolisïau, athroniaeth ac ymarfer cyfredol. Caiff pynciau penodol eu trafod ym mhob pennod ac mae’r rhain yn amrywio o ddatblygiad, hawliau, lles a diogelu plant i gynhwysiant, Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol, a chwarae a chreadigrwydd.