Mae'r ddogfen hon gan Sara Elin Roberts a Christine James yn cynnig cyflwyniad cyffredinol i Gyfreithiau Hywel Dda, sef cyfreithiau brodorol Cymru yn yr Oesoedd Canol, trwy roi 'blas' i'r darllenydd ar yr amrywiaeth eang o feysydd gwahanol sy'n cael eu trafod yn y llawysgrifau gwreiddiol - meysydd mor amrywiol â chyfraith Gwragedd a Gwerth Offer, Coed a Chathod, rheolau ynghylch Tir, a Thrais, a Theulu'r Brenin... I gynorthwyo'r darllenydd amhrofiadol, ac er mwyn annog astudiaethau yn y maes, gosodwyd y detholion o'r testunau Cymraeg Canol gwreiddiol ochr-yn-ochr â 'chyfieithiadau' ohonynt mewn Cymraeg Diweddar. Mae rhagymadrodd byr i bob pwnc yn ei dro, a llyfryddiaeth ddethol ar ddiwedd pob uned ar gyfer darllen pellach. Dyma gyfrol a fydd o ddiddordeb a defnydd i bawb sy'n ymddiddori yn hanes y Gyfraith, hanes Cymru neu lenyddiaeth Gymraeg yn yr Oesoedd Canol. Ceir llawer mwy o wybodaeth am Gyfraith Hywel Dda ar wefan Cyfraith Hywel:
Archwilio Cymru'r Oesoedd Canol: Testunau o Gyfraith Hywel
The invasive plant Rhododendron ponticum L.: Its introduction and establishment in Wales, the threat to biodiv...
Rhododendron ponticum L. is an evergreen, woody shrub, belonging to the Ericaceae family. Native to parts of Spain, the Caucasus Mountains and the Black Sea coast, it was introduced to Britain in the eighteenth century. It has since developed into one of Britain’s most problematic invasive species, causing ecological and economic damage. This article discusses the history of R. ponticumin Wales, considering the environmental and social factors which have contributed towards its success here. The current situation in Wales is explained, including the damage it causes and the efforts undertaken to manage its spread. To conclude, the paper will evaluate how future environmental challenges will affect R. ponticum’s spread in Wales.
Clwb Codio - Scratch 2.0
Cyfres o chwe gweithgaredd codio ar gyfer plant 9–11 oed. Mae’r gweithgareddau hyn yn dysgu plant sut i greu animeiddiadau a gemau cyfrifiadurol yn defnyddio’r rhaglen Scratch 2.0 ac yn cyflwyno plant i’r byd rhaglennu. Cynhyrchwyd gan Goleg Meirion Dwyfor a Chanolfan Ehangu Mynediad Prifysgol Bangor gyda chymorth grant bach gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Llyfryddiaeth Astudiaethau Cyfieithu Proffesiynol
Dyma Lyfryddiaeth ar gyfer y cwrs uwchraddedig Astudiaethau Cyfieithu Proffesiynol.
Y Gors [The Bog]: examining the boundary between authorship and contribution in documentary film
In answer to a call by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and with the support of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, Anne Marie Carty, Nick Jones and Dafydd Sills-Jones made a poetic/experimental documentary film in 2016, on the subject of Cors Fochno, near Borth. Cors Fochno is one of Western Europe’s major peat bogs, is home to a unique ecology, and also home to important scientific study, not least into climate change. The bog was therefore a useful filmic metaphor for a number of issues and perspectives, including the feelings of the local community towards wilderness, the sustainability of local farming, and more broadly the history and future of human relationship with the environment. The article traces the approaches and concepts behind the film, and by doing so places it in the tradition of ‘practice-as-research’.
‘What if this is Armageddon?’: Religion and the Welsh Press in the First World War
This paper analyses the Welsh periodical press during the First World War, with an emphasis on the way an important aspect of the Welsh war culture was constructed. As an integral part of civil society, the press represented a powerful platform from where audiences could be influenced, as contributors of prominent social standing presented, interpreted, and framed the war in particular ways and in accordance with personal beliefs and cultural traditions. This paper argues that a powerful religious discourse was constructed by commentators in the Welsh press with regards to the meaning and purpose of the war, with thoughtful consideration given to prophecy, salvation, and the coming of a new age where Christianity would play a central role.
Cronfa Cyfieithiadau'r Gymraeg
Unfortunately, Cronfa Cyfieithiadau'r Gymraeg is currently unavailable due to technical issues. We are working on a solution to get the website live as soon as possible.
Welsh in the Foundation Phase
The Foundation Phase (FP) is a statutory curriculum in each state school in Wales since 2008. The curriculum follows a developmentally appropriate pedagogy, and encourages children to engage by learning through experiences. The paper that follows is taken from a wider evaluation of the FP, commissioned by Welsh Government in 2012 and considers one of the seven areas of learning; Welsh language development. Results indicated no significant difference between how the Foundation Phase was implemented in Welsh and English medium schools. But, Welsh language development usually took place in whole-class morning activities (e.g. circle time) which doesn’t pair with the Welsh Government’s vision of intertwining the language in every aspect of the FP. The paper considers how schools and settings go about developing bilingual individuals, according to Welsh Government policy aspirations.
Cymraeg Gwaith
This is a collection of scripts and audio clips for Work Welsh learners at Entry level that go hand in hand with units 1-10. These resources reinforce classroom learning (from staff in higher and further education) and are suitable for beginners. These resources were developed under the auspices of the National Center for Learning Welsh as part of a project co-ordinated by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.
Deddfwriaeth iaith: cyfleoedd i gyfieithwyr
Cyflwyniad pwerbwynt ar thema Deddfwriaeth iaith: cyfleoedd i gyfieithwyr a gyflwynwyd gan Meinir Jones o swyddfa Comisiynydd y Gymraeg, yn ystod Cynhadledd Heriau Cyfieithu Heddiw a gynhaliwyd ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth ar 27 Hydref 2017.
John Evans: Cyfieithu i'r Comisiwn Ewropeaidd
Y prif siaradwr yn y Gynhadledd Heriau Cyfieithu a gynhaliwyd ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth ar 27 Hydref 2017 oedd John Evans, Cyfieithydd yn y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd. Dyma'r delweddau sy'n cyd-fynd â'i gyflwyniad yn trafod rôl y cyfieithydd o fewn y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd.
Tirwedd Symudol
Darlith ar dirwedd symudol Ynys Môn a draddodwyd gan Dr Dei Huws, Ysgol Eigioneg Prifysgol Bangor, i Gymdeithas Wyddonol Gwynedd ym mis Rhagfyr 2017. Gellir gwylio'r ddarlith ar Panopto drwy