The core argument of the essay is that it would be worth setting Saunders Lewis’ important early play, Gwaed yr Uchelwyr, in the context of several anglophone Welsh novels published at the turn of the nineteenth century that sought to assess the relevance of the culture of the indigenous gentry of Wales to the new nation celebrated by the Cymru Fydd movement. It is argued that familiarity with these texts could assist us to grasp the subtlety and rich ambivalence of the play’s ideological stance.
Ancient gentry and the modern nation: Gwaed yr Uchelwyr read in the light of anglophone Welsh fiction of the C...
Music for the Memory: The effects of the Singing for the Brain project on memory and the quality of life of pe...
The purpose of this article is to determine the benefits of singing in a group on people who have dementia, specifically through the ‘Singing for the Brain’ sessions held in North Wales during 2012–13 by the Alzheimer’s Association. Previous research of group singing in the field of music and dementia will be discussed as well as looking at how ‘Singing for the Brain’ first started in Britain. The article will then focus on the fieldwork that was undertaken, presenting conclusions, and finally dealing with and evaluating these conclusions.
Rôl ataliad mewn dwyieithrwydd
Mae'r prosiect yma yn anelu at edrych ar sut mae pobl ddwyieithog (sy'n rhugl neu yn datblygu eu Cymraeg) yn cael gafael ar ac yn defnyddio pob un o'u hieithoedd. Ar ben hynny, bydd yn edrych ar y rhyngweithio rhwng y ddwy iaith ac, yn benodol, sut mae cael ail iaith (Cymraeg) yn dylanwadu ar berfformiad yn eu hiaith gyntaf (Saesneg). Mae hyn yn bwysig nid yn unig achos bydd yn rhoi mewnwelediad i rôl ataliad mewn prosesu iaith ddwyieithog, ond bydd hefyd yn taflu golau ar sut mae siaradwyr Cymraeg yn dysgu'r iaith ac integreiddio i mewn i'r geiriadur meddwl mewnol, a allai, yn ei dro, yn arwain at strategaethau addysgol a all gynyddu effeithlonrwydd dysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith. Yr astudiaeth hon yw'r cyntaf i archwilio rôl ataliad mewn pobl ddwyieithog Cymraeg/Saesneg a'r rhai sy'n dysgu Cymraeg fel ail iaith a disgwylir iddo fod yr astudiaeth gyntaf mewn rhaglen ymchwil barhaus. Ariannwyd y gwaith gyda chymorth grant bach gan y Coleg Cymraeg
Eitha different yndyn nhw...but it works'
Cynhaliwyd cyfres o weithdai ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ar 27 Ionawr 2017 i drafod dwyieithrwydd a’r broses greadigol, dan nawdd y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol a Llenyddiaeth Cymru. Yn ogystal â gweithdy difyr ar yr heriau a’r cyfleoedd y mae dwyieithrwydd yn eu cynnig i awduron, beirniaid, cyhoeddwyr/cynhyrchwyr, a chyfranogwyr eraill i’r broses ysgrifennu, cafwyd cyfweliadau diddorol gydag Ed Thomas a Llwyd Owen, a thrafodaeth ford gron ddadlennol gyda Tony Bianchi, Catrin Dafydd, Alun Saunders a Branwen Davies.
Trin data gyda MS Excel
Mae'r ddogfen fer hon gan Dr Hywel Griffiths yn cynnig cyflwyniad cryno i ddatblygu sgiliau trin a thrafod a chyflwyno data ystadegol o fewn Excel, ac yn addas ar gyfer myfyrwyr yn ystod tymor cyntaf eu hastudiaeth israddedig pan efallai y bydd gofyn iddynt ddefnyddio Excel am y tro cyntaf, cyn ei ddefnyddio er mwyn gwneud dadansoddiadau mwy manwl. Sgiliau TG sylfaenol yw ffocws y ddogfen felly, a'r gobaith yw y gall fod yn sail ar gyfer tasg fer mewn seminar neu diwtorial. Ar ddiwedd y ddogfen, nodir rhai cwestiynau a phwyntiau trafod y gellir ymhelaethu arnyn nhw yn y sesiynau hyn. Cliciwch ar 'Cyfryngau Cysylltiedig' i lawrlwytho'r data . Mae gallu trin data ystadegol yn sgil greiddiol o fewn y gwyddorau amgylcheddol, boed hynny ym maes daearyddiaeth ffisegol, daearyddiaeth dynol neu wyddor amgylcheddol. Defnyddir ystod o ddulliau casglu, cyflwyno a dadansoddi data ystadegol mewn ymchwil academaidd a gan gyrff ac asiantaethau sydd yn rheoli'r amgylchedd yng Nghymru. Mae sawl meddalwedd ar gael er mwyn trin a thrafod data, ac mae rhai yn fwy defnyddiol ar gyfer gwahanol bwrpasau (arddangos, dadansoddi ac ati). Un o'r rhai mwyaf cyffredin yw MS Excel.
This leaf: the nature, origins and purposes of leaf colours
The state of the environment and the passage of time are reflected in the changing colours of the plants around us. Chlorophyll, the green pigment of leaves, captures the energy of sunlight that drives photosynthesis and powers the biosphere. The disappearance of chlorophyll from autumn leaves reveals the yellows and oranges of another family of plant pigments, the carotenoids. Carotenoids protect plants from stresses and are also responsible for the colours of many flowers and fruits. In autumn, the leaves of species such as maples make red and purple anthocyanins, which are members of a diverse family of pigments and defence chemicals. Plants use pigments to send signals to pollinators, dispersers and predators, among which are humans, who have a special physiological and psychological responsiveness to the plant chemistry that colours our world.
Lewis Edwards and the 'trahison des clercs'
This article focuses on three essays published on the work of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Immanuel Kant by the theologian and scholar, Lewis Edwards, in the Traethodydd between 1846 and 1853. Edwards is considered here as representative of the religious leaders of Wales in the second half of the nineteenth century. His work is examined for evidence of attitudes towards the philosophical developments of the period which could offer an explanation for his failure to defend Welsh language and culture in the face of the spread of English. The article argues that Edwards’ commitment to the speculative reasoning on which contemporary Calvinist theology was based prevented him from responding directly to the intellectual challenge represented by modern thought. In the three articles considered here, which present Kant’s thought as expressed in the first Critique, together with Coleridge’s philosophical theology as it is presented in his Aids to Reflection, we find clear evidence of Edwards’ unwillingness to accept any challenge to Calvinist philosophy. The picture he presents of the work of these two authors is defective and misleading. A major part of both Kant’s Kritik and Coleridge’s Aids is a destructive criticism of the baseless pretensions of speculative reason. Edwards chooses to ignore this entirely, so as to maintain his belief in the power of the human intellect to intuit truth without reference to empirical evidence. It is argued here that this wilful blindness to modern thought was an important factor in motivating the intellectual treason of which Edwards and his contemporaries stand accused. It is also suggested that this treason undermined not only Welsh language and literature, but also the Calvinist religion Edwards was determined to defend. In refusing to face the challenge of modern thought, Edwards left his students with no means of adapting traditional teaching to meet the requirements of a changing sensibility. The eventual result of that was a degree of alienation from the Nonconformist past, the effect of which continues even today
Modiwl Cyflwyniad i Gynllunio Gofodol (CP0110)
Datblygwyd y deunydd yma i gydfynd â modiwl CP0110 Cyflwyniad i Gynllunio Gofodol, modiwl lefel 4 ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae'r modiwl yn edrych ar darddiad cynllunio gofodol ym Mhrydain ac yn esbonio sut mae'r system bresennol wedi esblygu. Rhoddir sylw arbennig i'r themâu allweddol sy’n dod i'r amlwg o gynllunio Prydeinig: ei ymddangosiad fel gweithgaredd llywodraeth leol; effaith proffesiynoldeb a meddylwyr 'llawn gweledigaeth'; newid ideolegau gwleidyddol; a newidiadau yng nghraddfeydd gofodol cynllunio.
Cist Offer Newyddiaduraeth ('A Journalist’s Treasure Trove')
Journalists have to master a wide range of skills. 'Cist Offer' provides practical advice in key areas for new journalists. In a series of videos, some of the industry’s most experienced practitioners share tips and advice on some of the main aspects of the job.
Iechyd a’r modelau biofeddygol a bioseicogymdeithasol
Cyfres o glipiau fideo sy'n cael eu defnyddio ar y modiwl Iechyd a’r modelau biofeddygol a bioseicogymdeithasol (MED16001), Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd, Prifysgol Bangor.
‘A new world where justice dwells’: Morgan John Rhys’ (1760–1804) vision
In this article it is argued how Morgan John Rhys’ (1760–1804) belief in the Second Coming and Millennium influenced his participation in the campaign to abolish slavery, the French Revolution and America. It is shown how Millenarianism was a force that shaped Morgan John Rhys’ worldview and influenced his social action and campaigns. Also, it is shown how William Williams, Pantycelyn (1717–91), preceded Morgan John Rhys in this context. My argument, with comparative reference to Williams and Rhys, is that Evangelicalism and the Enlightenment were not intellectual enemies, and that Millenarianism was one of the most important driving forces in the lives of these two men, who were integral to the life of eighteenth century Wales.
Agweddau ar Ddwyieithrwydd
E-lyfr newydd gan yr Athro Enlli Môn Thomas a Dr Peredur Webb-Davies o Brifysgol Bangor. Ac ystyried bod mwy o ieithoedd gwahanol nag o wledydd yn y byd, mae'n anochel bod ieithoedd yn dod i gysylltiad â'i gilydd mewn rhyw ffordd ac ar ryw adeg yn ystod eu bodolaeth. O ganlyniad, poblogaeth amlieithog ei naws yw'r rhan helaethaf o boblogaeth y byd. Er nad oes ffigyrau penodol (neu ddull casglu data digon ymarferol) yn nodi'r union ganran neu union nifer y siaradwyr uniaith a dwyieithog a geir, mae meddu ar ddwy neu fwy o ieithoedd yn ddarlun teg o'r 'norm' ieithyddol cyfredol ar gychwyn yr 21ain ganrif. O'r ychydig dros 6,000 o ieithoedd sy'n parhau i fodoli ledled y byd, prin bod unrhyw un wedi'i hynysu rhag pobloedd neu gymdeithasau ieithyddol eraill. Daw pob iaith bron i gysylltiad ag iaith arall, ond nid pawb sydd o'r farn fod hynny'n dda o beth! Bwriad y llyfr hwn yw eich cyflwyno i fyd y siaradwr dwyieithog, ac i herio nifer o fythau ynglÅ·n ag anfanteision - ac, yn wir, manteision - dwyieithrwydd. Y gobaith yw y bydd y darllenydd, o ddarllen y gyfrol hon, yn deall yn well natur ac anghenion unigolion sydd yn meddu ar sgiliau mewn dwy iaith.