This is an interactive website, aimed at students of journalism which provides useful information on reporting Covid-19. It includes a guide on how the news is created during the pandemic and information on the demand for dependable news. It also sets out the responsibilities of the devolved Governments during the crisis. The resource also includes videos and a quiz.
Reporting on...Covid-19
RE / Philosophy presentations (yrs. 11-13)
A collection of PowerPoint presentations relating to the Religious Studies AS/A Level syllabus. By Dr Gareth Evans-Jones, Bangor University.
Genres y Cywydd
A collection of selected 14 critical articles discussing various genres of the Cywyddwyr period, c.1350-c.1650, which were originally published in Dwned, the journal of medieval Welsh history and literature.
Language Awareness – Social Work MOOC
An interactive resource that aims to create a context in which social work students can empathise with service users and feel and understand why Welsh-medium services are an important consideration. The module is based on 5 units which focus on: understanding language need; going under the skin of the bilingual experience; considering the context of the Welsh language – its current condition, its history and the impact on service users; exploring the relationship between language and power, the implications of the More than just words strategy and active offer, and getting ready to practise and work in accordance with More than just words. Ideally, students should work their way through the materials from unit 1 to 5 as discussion and learning builds incrementally from one to the other. However, the units are also self-contained to a large extent and units, or parts of a unit, may be lifted and used in conjunction with other modules or learning materials.
Reporting on.... Welsh Politics
Here is a collection of resources for budding journalists or anyone who would like to learn more about Welsh politics. It includes: An interactive website which is an introduction to Welsh politics. A video introducing the work of the Welsh Parliament. A video looking at the democratic deficit in Wales. A podcast discussing how to report on an election. These resources were developed by JOMEC, (The School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University)
Maths and Philosophy Workshops
This resource is the result of a small grant awarded by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol to Cardiff University. The project aimed to increase interest in the Mathematics and Philosophy degree course. As part of the project, a series of workshops were held in schools. This resource contains a series of practical questions arising from the first two workshops, Elementary Concepts in Philosophy and Mathematics and Understanding Numbers and Their Part. The questions are aimed at those studying A level maths.
Gweithdy Gwerthuso Addysgu
Gweithdy gan Dr Gwawr Ifan, sy'n annog addysgwyr i ystyried amrywiol ffyrdd o fynd ati i werthuso eu haddysgu, ymarfer hollbwysig sy’n rhan greiddiol o ddatblygiad addysgwyr newydd a phrofiadol fel ei gilydd. Mae Gwawr Ifan yn ddarlithydd mewn cerddoreg yn Ysgol Cerddoriaeth a’r Cyfryngau, Prifysgol Bangor. Dechreuodd ei gyrfa fel darlithydd i’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol ar ôl derbyn un o ysgoloriaethau cyntaf y Coleg. Mae ei diddordebau ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar gerddoriaeth mewn iechyd a lles, ac mae ganddi brofiad helaeth o addysgu myfyrwyr ar lefel isradd ac ôl-radd. Os hoffech drafod unrhyw faterion yn ymwneud gyda gwerthuso addysgu, mae croeso i chi gysylltu gyda mi dros e-bost am sgwrs bellach:
Learn Welsh Online Taster Courses
10-hour on-line courses which offer a taste of learning Welsh to employees from different sectors, including Health, Care, Public Services, Tourism, Retail and Transport. These short courses have been developed by the National Centre for Learning Welsh
Periodic Table App
This is a Welsh medium periodic table app full of facts and pictures, and ideal for students, teachers, or anyone interested in chemistry.
Programming Resources
A set of multimedia resources for learning to programme through the medium of Welsh. This resource includes 28 videos on how to download, install and run Python; basic syntax; and algorithmic thinking by solving example problems. There is also a Welsh-medium website which includes resources for developing research software and computer science research methods.
These short courses are for apprentices who are keen to develop their confidence to use their Welsh in the workplace. They enable the apprentices to complete a part of their course through the medium of Welsh. There are four different levels: Awareness, Understanding, Confidence and Fluency and there is a quiz to determine which level is suitable for you.
Art Collections Online
Catalogue of all paintings and sculptures in the collections of the Art Department of Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales', and works on long-term loan from the Derek Williams Trust. Also included in the collection are some thirty thousand paintings, watercolors, prints and photographs and around eleven thousand works of applied art.